Health Equity in Allergies, Asthma and Immunology
Health equity in healthcare is essential. It can reduce health disparities and help ALL people get the care they deserve.

Allergy & Asthma Network is committed to ending health disparities and advancing health equity. We strive to increase opportunities for people to live the healthiest life possible – no matter who they are, where they live, or how much money they make. We do this through our mission areas of outreach, education, advocacy and research.
Here is a breakdown of the U.S. population by race and ethnicity. This is according to the 2020 U.S. Census:
Let’s examine how racial and ethnic groups face health disparities.

Why is it important to have diversity in research?
It’s essential to include a diverse patient population in research and clinical trials. Researchers are better able to identify issues that affect certain patients or patient groups.
Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian and Native Americans are often missing in clinical trials. This under-representation makes it difficult for researchers to generalize findings for all populations.
A study published in The Lancet examined racial and ethnic group participation in research between 2000 and 2020. It found that only 43% of studies reported race/ethnicity data. The study also found enrollment of diverse populations was “poor but improving.”
Diversity in research involves participants from all racial and ethnic groups. It involves people who are from low-income homes or live in rural areas without many resources. Inclusion helps researchers gain a fuller understanding of different health experiences. It provides a fuller picture of real-world needs and concerns.
Research participation also provides under-represented groups with greater knowledge and access to treatments.
Some people from racial and ethnic groups may feel reluctant to get involved in research. Black Americans may distrust the healthcare system and medical research due to historical and contemporary injustices. More barriers for a racial or ethnic group may include:
- lack of transportation
- lack of knowledge or understanding about participating in a study or clinical trial
- language and cultural differences
- whether the research is a paid or volunteer study or clinical trial
Allergy & Asthma Network is working to address these barriers with its Trusted Messengers program.

Children from racial and ethnic minority groups are less likely to take daily asthma controller medication than non-Hispanic white children.

How is the Black community affected by health inequities?
Approximately 40.1 million Black Americans live in the United States. This represents 12.1% of the total population. They are the second largest minority population in the country.
Black Americans have lower life expectancy than whites. Life expectancy is 66.7 years for Black men and 74.8 for Black women (compared to 73.7 and 79.2 respectively of non-Hispanic whites).
Asthma: Black Americans are three times more likely to die from asthma-related causes than U.S. non-Hispanic whites. Black children had a death rate 7.6 times that of white children and were 4.5 times more likely to be admitted to the hospital for asthma.
Food allergy: Black Americans have a higher prevalence of food allergy (10.6%) across all ages. They are also more likely to report food allergy to multiple foods. Food allergy outcomes are often more severe in the Black community, with higher rates of anaphylaxis and ER visits. Black children received less follow-up care for food allergy than white children.
Eczema: Black Americans face higher rates of eczema, especially among children. Children tend to develop more severe cases of eczema compared to white children. They are also more likely than white children to miss school due to eczema.
COVID-19: Black Americans experienced higher rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths than non-Hispanic whites in age-adjusted data.
How do social determinants of health affect the Black community?
Black Americans experience higher rates of poverty and unemployment than other population groups. They are more likely to live in low-income communities. And they are less likely to seek or afford higher education. These social determinants of health put many at risk for health inequality.
Some statistics about Black Americans that are indicators of social determinants of health:
- Median household income of Black Americans is $48,297 (compared to $77,999 in non-Hispanic whites).
- 19.5% of Black households live in poverty (compared to 10% of non-Hispanic white households). Families with lower income spend more on emergency care than higher-income families.
- 9% are medically uninsured or do not have health coverage (compared to 5.2% of non-Hispanic whites).
- 19.8% of Black households are food insecure. They are also more likely to live near a food desert.
- Black Americans are more likely to live near facilities that release air pollution than non-Hispanic whites.
- Black Americans account for 39.8% of those experiencing homelessness.

How is the Hispanic/Latino community affected by health inequities?
Approximately 62.1 million Hispanic/Latino Americans live in the United States. They are the largest minority population in the country. They represent 18.9% of the total U.S. population. A feature of the Hispanic/Latino population in the U.S. is that it is generally young. One-third of Hispanic/Latinos are under the age of 18 and nearly 60% are millennials or younger. This may play a role in the rates of chronic disease.
Hispanic/Latino Americans have a slightly higher life expectancy than non-Hispanic whites. The life expectancy for men is 74.4 years while for women it is 81 years (compared to 73.7 and 79.2 respectively of non-Hispanic whites).
Asthma: Approximately 2.3 million Hispanic/Latino people in the U.S. report they have asthma. They are twice as likely to visit the emergency department for asthma, as compared to non-Hispanic whites. They are 40% more likely to die from asthma.
In Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory of 3.2 million people, asthma rates are among the highest in the world. Puerto Rican Americans had nearly double the asthma rate compared to the overall Hispanic/Latino population. They are four times more likely to die from asthma than U.S. non-Hispanic whites. Puerto Rican children are more likely to have asthma, as compared to U.S. non-Hispanic white children.
Food allergy: Hispanic/Latino Americans have a high prevalence of food allergy (10.6%) across all ages. They have higher rates of severe food allergy reactions, including anaphylaxis and ER visits. Hispanic children tend to receive less follow-up care for food allergy than white children.
Eczema: Hispanic/Latino Americans have historically not experienced high rates of eczema. However, some recent studies suggest the rates may be higher than previously shown. This may be due to more Hispanic/Latino people having access to doctors and getting an accurate diagnosis. Similar to Black children, Hispanic/Latino children tend to develop more severe cases of eczema compared to white children. They are also more likely than white children to miss school due to eczema.
COVID-19: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the Hispanic/Latino community. In 2020, COVID-19 was the leading cause of death among Hispanic/Latino Americans. As a group, they experienced higher rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths than non-Hispanic whites in age-adjusted data.
How do social determinants of health affect the Hispanic/Latino community?
Hispanic/Latino health is often shaped by factors such as:
- language and cultural barriers
- lack of access to preventive care
- lack of health insurance
Some statistics about Hispanic/Latino Americans that show social determinants of health:
- 71.1% speak of Hispanic/Latino Americans speak a language other than English at home and 28.4% are not fluent in English.
- Median household income is $55,321 (compared to $77,999 in non-Hispanic whites).
- 17% of Hispanic/Latino households live in poverty (compared to 10% of non-Hispanic white households). Families with lower income spend more on emergency care than higher-income families.
- 18.3% are medically uninsured or do not have health coverage (compared to 5.2% of non-Hispanic whites).
- 16.2%of Hispanic/Latino households are food insecure. They are also more likely to live near a food desert.
- Hispanic/Latino Americans are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to live near facilities releasing air pollution.
- Hispanic/Latino Americans account for 22% of those experiencing homelessness.
Asthma rate for Puerto Ricans is 2X higher than the overall Hispanic/Latino population.

How are Indigenous people affected by health inequities?
Approximately 9.7 million Indigenous people (also called Native Americans) live in the United States. They make up 2.9% of the total population. American Indians (AI) and Alaskan Natives (AN) make up Indigenous population groups. The data includes those who are AI/AN alone or in combination.
Indigenous people are often faced with issues that prevent them from receiving quality medical care. These issues include cultural barriers, limited access to medical facilities, and poverty.
Indigenous people have a significantly lower life expectancythan non-Hispanic whites. The life expectancy for men is 61.5 years and for women it is 69.2 years (compared to 73.7 and 79.2 respectively of non-Hispanic whites).
Asthma: Asthma has been under-recognized in Indigenous people for decades. As a result, the data is limited. Recent surveys show wide variations in asthma prevalence. According to CDC, approximately 278,000 AI/AN adults reported they have asthma in 2018. Indigenous children were almost twice as likely to have asthma as non-Hispanic white children.
Food allergy: Specific prevalence is uncertain. A recent study of food allergy prevalence in 50,000+ households combined AI/AN with other populations due to small sample sizes.
Eczema: Some research suggestspeople with AI/AN backgrounds have low rates of eczema. Other research suggests eczema prevalence in AI/AN could be as high as 13%. What is known is that health data has been limited in AI/AN population groups for decades. Skin conditions have often been “scarcely reported.” Access to care for diagnosis and treatment has also been limited.
COVID-19: Indigenous people experienced significantly higher rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths compared to other racial and ethnic groups.
How do social determinants of health affect Indigenous people?
Indigenous people from AI/AN backgrounds face many health disparities. These can negatively impact health outcomes. Some statistics about Indigenous communities that are indicators of social determinants of health:
- Median household income is $49,906 (compared to $77,999 in non-Hispanic whites).
- 20.3% of households live in poverty (compared to 10% of non-Hispanic white households). Families with lower income spend more on emergency care than higher-income families.
- 14.9% are medically uninsured or do not have health coverage (compared to 5.2% of non-Hispanic whites).
- Nearly 23%of households are food insecure. They are more likely to live near a food desert.
- Indigenous people are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to live near facilities that release air pollutants.
- Indigenous people account for 3.2% of those experiencing homelessness.
- In the Navajo Nation, 30-40% of residents live in a food desert.
Native Americans:
- 20% more likely to have asthma
- Asthma-related deaths 40% higher than non-Hispanic whites

How are Asian American people affected by health inequities?
Approximately 18.4 million Asian Americans live in the United States. They make up about 7% of the total population. Asian Americans primarily comprise of people whose heritage is from:
- China
- India
- Philippines
- Vietnam
- Korea
- Thailand
- Japan
The average life expectancy for Asian Americans is 80.7 years. This is higher than all other population groups. The life expectancy for men is 78.4 years and for women it is 82.7 years (compared to 73.7 and 79.2 respectively of non-Hispanic whites).
Asthma: Asian Americans generally have lower rates of asthma than other population groups. Data in some communities may be limited. According to CDC, approximately 572,000 Asian Americans report they have asthma.
Food allergy: Asian Americans have high rates of food allergy at 10.5%. However, they report fewer severe allergic reactions to food.
Eczema: Asian Americans tend to have higher rates of eczema — about 13% — than other population groups. One study found that Asian Americans were seven times more likely to have eczema compared to non-Hispanic whites.
COVID-19: Asian Americans had higher rates of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths compared to non-Hispanic whites.
How do social determinants of health affect Asian Americans?
Asian Americans face fewer health disparities overall. The median household income is $93,759 (compared to $77,999 in non-Hispanic whites). Some statistics about Asian Americans that impact health risks and indicate social determinants of health:
- 9.6% of households live at the poverty level (compared to 10% of non-Hispanic white households).
- 6.6% of Asian Americans do not have health insurance coverage.
- 30.9% of Asian Americans are not fluent in English; and 73.5 percent of Asian Americans spoke a language other than English at home.
How does Allergy & Asthma Network address health disparities?
Allergy & Asthma Network is committed to ending racial, ethnic and socioeconomic health disparities. Our goal is to ensure that everyone who lives with asthma and allergies is able to live to their full potential. We do this through outreach, education, advocacy and research.

Allergy & Asthma Network hosts asthma, food allergy and eczema screenings in under-resourced communities. The screenings are part of our Trusted Messengers program.
We focus on building relationships and establishing trust in those communities. We also work with community leaders and health advocates to achieve health equity and improve cultural competency. We do this by expanding healthcare access through digital innovation.

Allergy & Asthma Network shares news, information, research and patient stories. Our audience is patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Our media platforms include our website, social media, E-newsletters and publications.
Content is medically reviewed and developed to be accessible to all. It is available in English and Spanish. We host webinars on the impact of allergic diseases on under-resourced communities.

Allergy & Asthma Network supports the passage of bills that ensure access to quality healthcare for all. We advocate for innovative treatments and expanded access to safe, affordable medications.
We work to reduce harmful air pollution. We push for a safe environment to live, work and play. We work with federal, state and local government officials to pass legislation.
Our successes include stock albuterol and epinephrine in schools and public places. We also focus on legislation that address health disparities at the systemic level.

Allergy & Asthma Network works to encourage greater participation in research. In 2021-22, we hosted a series of virtual conferences to address this need among Black and Hispanic/Latino Americans. Asthma patients, doctors, faith-based leaders and other stakeholders were among speakers.
By engaging under-represented communities in research, we can close the gap in health disparities. We can also improve health outcomes.

How you can advocate for greater health equity
Health equity interventions are often needed because of specific social or economic factors that impact health outcomes. These interventions offer a fair and just opportunity for everyone to attain their highest level of health.
Health disparities cross ethnic and socioeconomic groups. Asthma and allergy rates are often higher in poor urban areas and among African-American and some Hispanic/Latino communities. These disparities impact individual health and well-being in many ways, including:
- Healthcare access
- Employment
- Housing
- Transportation
- Air Pollution
- Education
- Language and culture
Allergy & Asthma Network advocates for legislation, regulations and policies that eliminate barriers and expand access to care, including:
- Access to healthcare services (general and specialized care), including telehealth services
- Healthcare workforce diversity
- Asthma tracking and surveillance in all states
- In-home allergen programs
- Expanded health literacy
- Reduced environmental health hazards
Check out our Advocacy Resources page with more information about these key issues, including a PDF download on “Addressing Health Disparities for Black and Hispanic People Living with Asthma, Atopic Dermatitis, and Food Allergies.”
Make your voice heard. Find out how you can get involved and advocate for greater health equity.
How did the COVID-19 pandemic spotlight health disparities?

COVID-19 had a disproportionate impact on racial and ethnic groups in the United States. It shined a light on longstanding healthcare inequalities in the United States.
Black, Hispanic/Latino and Indigenous people have higher rates of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths compared to non-Hispanic whites.
The majority of people hospitalized due to COVID-19 also had underlying medical conditions. These conditions include asthma, COPD, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Many of these conditions impact Black, Hispanic/Latino and Native American communities at high rates.
The data paints a broad picture of the challenges facing these under-resourced communities. Social determinants of health clearly play a role. For example, many households had serious financial problems during the pandemic. Many under-resourced groups reported serious financial problems during the pandemic:
- 72% of Hispanic/Latino Americans
- 60% of Black Americans
- 55% of Native Americans
- 37% of Asian/Pacific Islanders
- 36% of non-Hispanic whites
People in under-resourced communities also had higher risk of COVID-19 because they were more likely to:
- work front-line jobs;
- live in crowded housing conditions;
- lack paid sick leave.
All these factors proved to have severe consequences for many communities during COVID-19.
Reviewed by:
Nancy Joseph, DO is an award-winning physician (Top Physician Under 40) double board-certified in general pediatrics and allergy/immunology. She is based in Massachusetts. She is a consultant and medical advisor for Allergy & Asthma Network and staff physician at Amwell Medical Group. Dr. Joseph is a fellow with the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI), and is past Chair of the Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Section of the National Medical Association (NMA). She has collaborated with the NAACP speaking about COVID-19 and has been featured on NMA Talks as an expert panelist discussing asthma in the African American Community.