
This webinar was recorded on on March 29, 2023

March is National Sleep Awareness Month and a time to discuss connection between allergies, asthma, and poor sleep quality. We spend about 90% of our time indoors, where the air is up to 5 times more polluted than outdoors, and a significant portion of that time is spent in the bedroom. According to a recent consumer survey from Blueair, an air purification expert, 65% of Americans stated they are woken up at least once a night due to breathing or respiratory issues such as allergies or asthma as a health factor directly impacted by air quality. Beyond the impact on allergies and asthma, sleep is critical to overall health life. The good news is steps can be taken to improve bedroom air quality.


  • Odile Liu
  • Andrea Jensen

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Transcript:ย While this transcript is believed to be accurate, errors sometimes occur. It remains your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the information in this transcript. This transcript is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice.

Andrea:ย Thanks for joining us and weย will wait a few more secondsย and I know it takes a while forย people’s computers to connectย to the webinar so hold tightย and we will be starting in 20ย seconds or 30 seconds while weย wait for people to load on.ย Thanks for joining us and weย will be starting momentarily.ย Thanks for joining us and weย are waiting a few seconds whileย people’s computers areย connecting and the numbers areย going up and we want to give aย few seconds to everyone to makeย sure they can connect.ย Thanks for joining us.ย We are waiting a few moreย seconds while people connectย and we will go ahead and getย started so just hold on.ย Good afternoon and thank youย for joining us today.ย We have a few housekeepingย items. I am Andrea Jensen, theย education specialist forย Allergy & Asthma Network.ย All participants will be onย buttes for the revenue and weย will record today’s rep in ourย and posted on our website.ย — post it on our website.ย You can find all of ourย recorded repertoires at —ย webinars atย allergyasthmanetwork.com.ย We will take questions at theย end of the webinar but you canย put your questions in the Q&Aย tap at the bottom of yourย screen on the ribbon there atย any time.ย We have someone monitoring theย chat and if you have anyย questions or need help, we willย get to as many questions as weย can before we can concludeย today’s webinar.ย We do not offer CEUs for thisย particular rep in our but weย offer a certificate ofย attendance and some of you haveย noticed that we are doing aย different webinar platform thisย year.ย You will receive a email a fewย days after the webinar and inย that email that will come fromย Zoom, you will have a leak —ย link to download to get yourย attendance and a link toย resources associated with thisย webinar and a link to theย recording.ย We will try to add the link toย the certificate or theย certificate itself in the chat.ย We all know how technology goesย so we will try to get that forย you.ย Watch for and email — an emailย in a few days and you will beย able to get that if it doesn’tย happen.ย We will talk about Nationalย Sleep Awareness Month and theย connection between allergiesย and asthma and poor sleepย quality.ย Allergy & Asthma network is aย grassroots organization thatย was started 35 years ago by aย mom who knew other moms likeย her needed resources andย support.ย Our mission is to end theย needless death and sufferingย due to Allergy & Asthma andย related conditions throughย advocacy and research.ย Today, it is my pleasure toย introduce our speaker Odileย Liu.ย Odile is the head of productย marketing in Blueair.ย —ย 25 years of industryย experience with a mission toย provide clean air for the nextย generation and with over aย decade of professionalย innovation design, developmentย and marketing experience, sheย has led having a rare — arrayย of global and emerging brandsย across various categories,ย leading strategic plan,ย business development, and more.ย She holds a bachelors degreeย from Georgia as the Universityย and a Masters degree fromย Carson’s school of design andย currently resides in New Yorkย City.ย Thank you for being with us asย we discussed allergies andย asthma and how they can impactย sleep.

Andrea:ย — Odile:ย Thank you so much Andrea.ย Hope today’s — I hope today’sย webinar will prove to beย useful.ย Let me get going.ย A quick introduction on who weย are and who Blueair is and whatย our brand does.ย A quick recap of thatย environment.ย Blueair is a company that wasย founded over 25 years ago whereย a fender when into bring theย Swedish clean and natural airย from the countryside endorsedย for his children — and doorsย for his children.ย He has designed a proprietary Hย EPAsilentโ„ข technology.ย What makes us different fromย other glands — brands becauseย — we are proud of our Swedishย heritage and a lot of ourย design and part of our DNA isย to make design of theย highest-quality quality andย highest performing air purifierย that is beautiful while usingย less energy to have a lesserย impact on the environment.ย And one other factor that makesย us different in this categoryย is that we are very proud — weย strive to be activists in theย area when it comes to indoorย air quality and since then, forย the last one he five years, weย have been fighting forย children’s right to clean airย and have delivered a number ofย improvements over a millionย children’s life — lives.ย We got the U.N.ย to acknowledge that clean airย is a bundle rent — aย fundamental right for childrenย so bringing and/or quality andย air quality in general high atย public awareness has been ourย company’s mission.ย The general impact recap ofย where we are today.ย We had a very unusual two yearsย as most of you have known withย monumental changes to our lifeย with disruptions with COVID andย some of the biggestย record-breaking wildfires inย the U.S..ย Since those last two years haveย stabilized or returned toย normal, it is important toย remember that even before allย of these unique outliers in ourย life, there was always a largeย group of Allergy & Asthmaย sufferers that remainย critically at need in ourย country so there are over 50ย million Americans that haveย been diagnosed with differentย allergies and over half of themย are suffering from seasonalย allergy — allergic rhinitis.ย What people don’t recognize isย the impact it has on theย quality of life and what thisย means is over 3 millionย birthdays — workdays areย missed first — per year and itย is costing our economy over aย billion dollars — $8 billion.ย Things have been stable overย the last two years withย heightened awareness around airย quality and safety aroundย indoor air.ย Today, what we will like toย share is how indoor air qualityย can affect your sleep, givenย that this is the month forย sleep and I want to teach andย share a little data andย insight.ย Firstly, why is and/or airย quality so important?ย With all the education we haveย received with COVID, this isย not so much a surprise but weย do know now, especially withย the EPA’s studies, indoor airย can be up to five times moreย polluted than outdoor air andย this is significant because asย humans, we spend 90% of ourย time indoors and some of theย most common householdย pollutants are PMย 2.5, dust and pet dander andย — and viruses and smokeย particles, dust mites andย cooking orders are differentย allergens and pollutants.ย They can trigger allergyย symptoms. Because of the indoorย space, there is a lack ofย ventilation, if you don’t haveย the proper intervention, theseย pollutants build up in yourย space because air is notย static.ย It is moving.ย It builds up and leads toย rotation so in the short term,ย people know that there areย different air Tatian’s of theย year, nose, and throat and someย people who are sensitive getย busy and have fatigues andย headaches and those who haveย the quote conditions will haveย flareups with allergens — whoย have severe medical conditionsย will have flareups withย allergens — allergies.ย Long-term, there is respiratoryย diseases and even cancer andย the population most at risk ofย the very young and older adultsย and people with immune systemsย that are produced and peopleย with cardiovascular orย respiratory diseases areย affected.ย With our dedication, we areย looking for the nextย innovations on air purificationย solutions.ย We are looking and trying toย understand how we can findย solutions for our feet — forย the American consumers and weย can set — conducted aย large-scale quantitative surveyย on Americans to understandย their experiences around airย quality and their homeย especially towards the end ofย the COVID era.ย Some families are prettyย incredible and prettyย impactful.ย Firstly, air quality has — isย perceived as something thatย impacts the general health ofย the population.ย Of the thousand Americans weย have surveyed, over 97% of themย believe air quality in theirย home truly impacts theirย health, both — both physicallyย and mentally.ย This is higher than what weย have seen in years before COVIDย so this is something — I thinkย part of the reason isย heightened awareness with someย of the most recent externalย events happening.ย When we asked them, how is airย quality and pricing them, theย majority of them are saying itย is different respiratoryย conditions like coughing,ย wheezing, and a large percent,ย over 60% wrist — ofย respondents say they believe orย feel the air quality hasย impacted their school — sleepย quality.ย This is something that isย higher than what we haveย normally seen before and moreย people are connecting the dotsย that some of their sleepย quality issues are coming inย stemming from air quality —ย and stemming from air quality.ย When we asked them what is theย percentage of their householdย members that are suffering fromย some of these symptoms, overย 81% of Americans have saidย someone in their household or aย member of their household hasย suffered from air quality —ย poor air quality and mostย commonly, some of the commonย symptoms are allergicย reactions, nasal congestion,ย coughing or wheezing headachesย — wheezing, headaches, andย poor night sleep — poorย night’s sleep in a bigย percentage of Americans beingย affected by these conditions.ย When we ask whether or notย people believe air quality isย impacting their sleep, theย majority strongly believe thatย air quality is something to doย with their sleep quality —ย quality has something to doย with their sleep quality.ย This is probably the mostย disheartening data we haveย seen, but 65% of Americans areย woken up at least once duringย the night due to differentย respiratory issues like anย allergic reaction or an asthmaย system –symptom.ย This is significant, especiallyย if you look at people gettingย — woken up more than once,ย that is disheartening to seeย Americans are suffering.ย What we have asked is now thatย more Americans are connectingย the dots that air quality isย being impacted — is impactingย their sleep, what are theย actions and interventions theyย are taking and what it wasย pretty significant andย interesting to us is thatย turning off and using the airย purifier is one of the topย three behavior changes areย actions and interventionsย Americans are seeking toย improve sleep.ย Not surprising, some of theย most asked — at risk group forย poor air quality our childrenย and if you are someone, like aย parent, like me, you know yourย child is costly congestion —ย congested and it was surprisingย to see the survey thatย Americans said air providers asย the number one decision theyย make to improve their child’sย sleep.ย Being validated through theย survey results that pure —ย poor air quality and Allergy &ย Asthma symptoms are affectingย the quality of life and part ofย this webinar is explaining howย you can help.ย How do we achieve allergyย relief with better sleep withย an air per fire — airย purifier?ย What exactly is airย purification?ย Air is not a static material.ย It is constantly moving andย infiltrating our home throughย different cracks, through andย door gaps and — through windowย gaps and door graphs and air isย constantly infiltrated withย pollutants.ย An air purifier is equipmentย that removes contaminants toย improve air quality.ย It is super simple.ย It almost is like a fan andย what it does is that it hasย inlets that sucks in air and itย pushes the dirt through a motorย with a filter.ย It captures the pollutants andย pushes out clean air.ย It is exactly how the fan worksย but you have the middle partย that is a filter media thatย pushes out the best removes —ย that removes the food since.ย — the pollutants.ย Because the most common indoorย air pollutant like dust andย mold spores and smoke particlesย and viruses and bacteria areย often the allergens oftenย triggers allergic reactions andย asthmatic symptoms sold inย order to improve your symptomsย and your overall sleep, byย having the air purifierย removing the allergens in yourย environment is one of the wayย to — ways to improveย intervention of these symptoms.ย Because air is costly movingย and coming through theย different nooks and crannies ofย your home, the best way toย always ensure clean air in theย space is to leave the airย purifier on 24/7 so it isย cleaning the air at all timesย and another fact is the airย purifier can only work at itsย optimal performance when youย are cleaning or replacing theย filter media regularly becauseย that is the only way thatย allows the device to remainย effective.ย As the filter adds moreย pollutants, there will be moreย clogging so without cleaning itย out you will reduce the airflowย of the cleaning area fire andย the performance will drop.ย If you ever had a vacuumย cleaner with the filter mediaย in it and clean it, you willย notice how dirtiest and that isย the same thing with the airย purifier.ย I will talk about understandingย how to evaluate air purifiersย and their performance.ย In the U.S.ย market, there is no —


That as purifier manufacturersย how to communicate theย performance and it is aย minefield and he gets confusingย for consumers and consumers areย starting to understand andย looking at other markets whereย they have regulated standardsย on how to evaluate an airย purifier and one of theย industry standards as the cleanย air delivery rate which isย abbreviated as CADR. CADR isย the objective and unbiasedย measurement on how well an airย purifier is performing so theย higher the CADR, it means thereย is a higher airflow and betterย performance and CADR is brokenย down by looking at two mainย parts of — that delivers yourย air cleaning performance andย the first thing is the airย filtration efficiency.ย When the derriรจre passesย through the filter, how muchย pollutant is the filterย removing?ย At accounts for an importantย part, airflow.ย Why is it important?ย A device can only clean the airย in the room if it has the powerย to suck in as much dirt he airย as possible and push out asย much clean air as possible andย moving high volumes of airย through the air purifier isย only way to reduce pollution.ย Additionally, sometimes, youย also see a removal rate.ย A removal rate is differentย from filtration efficiencyย because it is about removingย the pollutants — percentage ofย pollutants removed in Pierre inย the room after a certain amountย of time.ย — in the air in the room afterย a seven around the time — aย certain amount of time.ย CADR and removal rates areย factored realistically andย reflect how air is in aย consumer’s home and a CADR —ย higher CADR means a higherย removal rate.ย You are removing more air at aย time more frequently andย removing pollutants.ย Why is airflow important?ย Our air is constantly beingย bombarded with pollutants so itย is important the air exchangeย the air purifier can drive hisย frequent enough so it canย constantly clean and maintainย air.ย Therefore is an importantย metric that we feel — believeย as part of the air purifier’sย performance and that is whyย CADR is the better metric toย evaluate air purifiers.ย When it comes to room size,ย this is an area that isย confusing or could beย misleading for any shopperย looking for a air purifier.ย Room size is not a good valueย because it is dependent onย relation to the air exchange,ย ACH.ย Air exchange per hours is howย much volume of air or cleaningย within this direction of timeย and based on that, if you canย catch a late it within aย suitable room size.ย It is important to know what isย the room size the air purifierย is capable of cleaning inย relation to how frequently itย is also cleaning the air.ย That is why a clean — roomย size can vary across the marketย and just because the airย purifier is claiming a higherย room size, it doesn’t mean itย is better performing, it isย just telling you it is clearingย — cleaning a larger room sizeย but it is only exchanging theย room air once per hour.ย We recommend room sizes at theย 4.8 ACH which means it takesย 12.5 minutes to clean the airย because the frequency of airย cleaning —


Pierre and the room can remainย free from pollutants and basedย on that, you can see thingsย very.ย I will talk about the thirdย party verification progress —ย 4.8 ACH is the ideal number.ย When the air purifier isย recommendation — commendingย the size per the room, that isย what is recommended.ย These are technical and it getsย confusing so what are some ofย the easy tips that you canย recommend to a patient to lookย for when they are choosing anย air purifier?ย First and foremost, becauseย performance is so important toย alleviate the symptoms, forย your patient, one of theย recommended program and oneย program we participate in isย the AHAM verified program.ย It is one of the largestย associations in the U.S.ย and it has established anย developed with all theย expertise, a standard testingย protocol — but call on how airย purifier should test againstย and that is how people areย using a way to test airย purifiers and claim performanceย so manufacturers are dashed upย air purifiers that participateย in this program will send theย devices to a third-party lab toย be tested and based on thoseย results, make a claim on howย they perform and they will sendย to AHAM for verification andย get the seal of approval withย the performance so the easy wayย is to see whether or not anyย air purifiers have this AHAMย Verifide logo.ย It recommends the room sizeย based on the 4.8 air exchangeย and because the optimal way toย ensure your performance is toย leave it on at all time, it isย according to consider air —ย energy C — energy efficiency.ย Energy Star is a great way toย look at air purifiers.ย The EPA energy Star program hasย started including air purifiersย as part of the most efficientย program because they understandย more and more Americans areย using air purifiers and oftenย time, you have more than oneย air purifier so they have aย stringent standard to see thatย air purifiers that meet theย standard will qualify in theย most official program’s —ย program, which assemblers —ย which is similar toย dishwashers.ย In California, we have to meetย — stricter than the Californiaย resource board and participateย in the zero ozone verification.ย If you’re looking to recommendย an air purifier to a patient,ย especially to improve theirย sleep, then noise level isย important to consider.ย Noise is a complicated mediumย and it can be a subjectiveย experience so even thoughย decibel levels are the mostย commonly marketed spec, it isย not all encompassing and thatย is why more and more bodiesย like Quiet Mark have emerged toย work with companies toย prioritize noise reduction andย what this organization does is,ย they evaluate home appliancesย and products, looking at theย full quality of the sound.ย The test of the — the testingย is not only looking at decibelย levels but the tonality andย frequency and pitches of ourย clients — of an appliancesย noise.ย You may hear a humming noiseย from your TV or dishwasher,ย those are different factors ofย the ways that don’t getย reflected in the decibel level.ย That is why having aย third-party certification onย the holistic experience ofย noise can be helpful.ย Any product that is Quiet Markย certified is helpful to lookย at.ย Hopefully, we will see more ofย these certification bodies inย the U.S.ย A quick summary of how to helpย your patient.ย — patient select your airย purifier.ย Our recommendation is alwaysย look at the clean air deliveryย rate and look at the high cleanย air delivery rate.ย The higher number means theย faster it will be able to cleanย the air and especially when itย comes to asthma and allergyย sufferers, that is somethingย good for them to look for andย secondly, when they areย deciding on what size of an airย purifiers should I look for, itย depends on the room.ย When you are looking at theย will room — the room coverage,ย you need to be sure and be sureย whether or not the manufacturerย is telling them how often isย the ACH.ย Just by providing the room sizeย is not enough to speak aboutย the performance.ย You want to know how class —ย how fast it can clean the roomย so ACH is important.ย For you to educate your patientย to look at.ย A small air purifier will takeย a longer time to clean the airย on a larger room and what youย can do for those who are reallyย sensitive, you can recommendย them having a product that isย recommended for higher roomย size with higher ACH because itย means it is cleaning fast. Itย will help relieve them of theย discomfort and lastly, you wantย the performance and you wantย the fast clean and air exchangeย but it may be good, especiallyย for those two looking — thoseย who are looking to improveย sleep, looking for new functionย national — functionalitiesย like night modes.ย More air prayer fires haveย functionalities to dim theย links — more air purifiersย have functionalities to dim theย lights.ย That is something to look forย and hopefully they won’t mindย it having it close to theirย bedroom and humming along.ย These are other factors.ย The final tips, beyond airย purifiers on how to approve airย quality.ย If you are suffering fromย different allergy symptoms, youย may want to first identify andย eliminate the pollutant source.ย It could be there is excessย moisture in the environment,ย causing mold and looking atย different elements and sourcesย is one of the first steps andย if you are in a area, of highย traffic area that — or an areaย that suffers from wildfires, —ย look at your HVAC cracks toย make sure you don’t giveย opportunities for pollutants toย enter the space and you want toย look at different ways toย improve ventilation of theย airflow in your home.ย For those that areย hypersensitive, it is alwaysย good to invest in a smart airย quality monitor device or smartย device that can basicallyย monitor the air quality and —ย inside and outside your home.ย If the outside palm index is inย creating, they can proactivelyย and preventively set strategiesย in the home and protectย themselves.ย And we always recommend lookingย to invest in the high qualityย air purifier with theย appropriate HEPAsilentโ„ข –CADRย space that you want.ย You will see air purifiersย offering the auto mode and thatย means the air purifier has aย sensor that can collect —ย detect the air quality of yourย home.ย We always — you should alwaysย remind your patient to directlyย change the filter because asย the filter clogs up, it canย bring in more air pollutantsย into your Eric and change theย filter in your air purifier toย ensure optimal performance soย most manufacturers have aย recommended replacement cycle.ย If you live in a highfalutinย area or have pets, you want toย consider or advise them toย change filters frequently toย ensure there is no lag in theย performance.ย That is it for today’s webinarย and thank you for having me.ย I am open for questions.

Andrea:ย Thank you.ย Wonderful information and Iย think these are one of theย things people underestimate,ย indoor air quality.ย People worry about outdoor airย quality with diesel exhaust andย wildfires but people don’tย realize how polluted are in airย — indoor air quality can be soย thank you for bringing that up.ย For those of you who haveย joined us a few minutes late,ย there are 50 million Americansย that have allergies.ย I am with you, if any of youย are out there is sniffling andย wheezing, I am with you.ย We are talking about springย allergies and for those of youย who are suffering, it is trees.ย We don’t get much of a rake andย sometimes in summer, for thoseย of you who are allergic toย grass pollen, that can add moreย to your life and in the fall,ย you have ragweed and thistle.ย It — giving the air quality —ย keeping the indoor air qualityย as clean as you can isย important.ย Thank you for that.ย In the check, people wereย talking about air purifiers andย the local health departmentย gives air purifiers to peopleย in asthma programs. Odile Liu,ย do you have any information orย have you cleverly —ย collaborated with any programs?

Odile:ย We have collaborated over theย years with differentย organizations.ย Most recently, we are workingย and in touch with a departmentย of Utah.ย — Department in Utah.ย — Department of health inย Utah.ย Because indoor air quality hasย received heightened awareness,ย we have heard differentย education institutions likeย researchers looking to doย research on adding airย purifiers to the indoor home soย we are always open to partnerย with different research groups.ย The gas burning stove top wasย top of the headlines a fewย weeks ago and I know in UCย Berkeley, they are looking toย do a study on that.

Odile:ย — Andrea:ย Once again, an example ofย something else that can causeย problems with air qualityย people are sensitive to thatย particular problem.ย This might be something forย those you on the line, checkย with your local healthย departments and see if theyย have a asthma home visitย program and see if this isย something they can help youย with.ย I know — another option is,ย some of you may know about theย green health — health andย happy homes.ย They address the indoor airย quality and they work with someย asthma programs and they areย able to provide the airย purifiers as well as HEPAย vacuums so some of youย listening today and need helpย with students, I know we haveย school nurses on the line,ย check with your healthย department.ย That may be something in yourย area that you can tap in to.ย We have a question and as, canย you address the efficiency ofย carbon filters for VOC?

Odile:ย VOC can be observed withย carbon material but have aย filter’s carbon is designed, itย differs.ย Looking at the carbon weight isย different.ย It is looking at the carbonย materia — material yourย manufacturer is selecting.ย Carbon is known as a materialย can observe — absorb VOCย affectively but that depends onย the manufacturers designย decisions.

Odile:ย Thank you for — Andrea:ย A for explaining that.ย We have another question in theย chat.ย This is from Sondra.ย I have seen so many kids withย asthma that her elementary age.ย Does that EPA work to trainย school engineers to designย healthier busy — buildings andย supplies school districts withย electric school buses?

Odile:ย I can’t speak for the EPAย specifically and theirย guidelines.ย I do know that we had work andย have worked closely withย different school boards duringย the COVID period.ย School boards were looking toย we open and one of theย requirements was — or schoolย reopening was to add airย purifiers into the classroomย but evaluating the rightย purifier for education settingsย was complicated because noiseย levels impact the ability toย learn.ย We talked to the Harvard publicย health at school — healthย school to look at differentย requirements but in terms ofย the EPA recommendation, I amย not sure how much they are andย vesting or investigating — andย vesting or investigating — andย vesting –investing orย investigating.

Andrea:ย The EPA does have an indoor airย quality tools for schoolsย action kit.ย There is an app for that andย there is help for school nursesย and the second part of that,ย electric school buses.ย One thing that some of you onย the line may want to check isย that we are in the Departmentย of environmental quality.ย Your DEQ at your state level,ย all states are different and Iย am in Utah.ย I know that one thing they haveย done is I believe, with theย Volkswagen settlement, they useย that money to get electricย buses in Utah and they haveย done it by school district.ย Utah has used COVID fundingย from the federal government toย provide purifiers forย classrooms. For those of you onย the line, check with your afterย Cartman’s — with your healthย departments.ย See if there is someone who canย help you.ย What about have — air filtersย that include UV light’s –lย ights?

Odile:ย This emerged during the COVIDย with the lot — with a lot ofย fear.ย UBC light is dangerous ifย exposed to the eyes and skin soย the only way to ensure it canย work in a air purifier settingย is that it has to be designedย to be properly enclosed withinย the air purifiers of the userย doesn’t get exposed to it.ย That caveat is, from all theย studies that –from UBC –UVCย light is that in order for theย light to kill bacteria’s andย germs, the bacteria has to beย exposed to the light for atย least 10-15 sections.ย — seconds.ย When air purifiers are suckingย in bed 30 air and pushing itย through the device, thatย circulation is happening reallyย fast so when that is happening,ย you may not actually have theย bike — bacteria and virusesย exposed to the UVC light toย kill it or deactivate it so itย is not super clear to usย whether or not UVC airย purifiers really work in theย context when it is functioningย as in the real-life settings.

Andrea:ย I am glad you know the scienceย behind it.ย I am on the public health end.ย One of the things we had in theย chat was, someone was askingย about — let me go right backย up.ย Many school buses are notย air-conditioned.ย The children don’t have accessย to inhalers on the bus andย please advocate your states toย have clean tracks — truck andย buses.ย Here at Allergy & Asthmaย Network , in May, we sponsorย Allergy & Asthma day on Capitolย Hill and that his own worldย asthma day and this year it isย at May 3.ย You can attend virtually andย meet with your representativesย and talk with these issues —ย talk about these issues.ย These representatives areย fabulous but they don’t knowย the background and informationย on every area with theirย constituents so let your voiceย be no and this is a free eventย and if you have time to putย that link in their –there, youย can attend in person orย virtually.ย You can let your representativeย know about issues that areย important.ย Thank you for that comment.ย We have –oh, one thing we wereย talking about in one of theย chats earlier was, one of theย most important things is, whenย we are talking about indoor airย quality, it is important not toย cover-up the poor air quality.ย When you walk into a room andย it smells dusty, this was aย problem in the beginning ofย COVID when I worked at a healthย department and they had aย father –fogger and wereย spraying the entire buildingย with disinfectant and asthma —ย as some with asthma, that isย asthma trigger.ย Make sure you are improving theย air quality and improving andย Claire — purifying it.ย Odile, can you speak to that?

Odile:ย The best way to improve airย quality is to remove thingsย from the air, not addingย anything.ย If you are spraying things toย cosmetically mask a smell, itย could backfire.

Andrea:ย Yes someone in the chat thatย posted — thank you and we haveย someone in the chat that postedย that they have a purifier pilotย in Roxbury, Boston.ย Oh Dale —ย Odile, we can coordinate youย with that.ย It is helpful to know what isย going on and behind the scenes.

Odile:ย Yes, we are always eager toย connect with research experts.

Andrea:ย Let me scan and see if we haveย other questions for you.ย We have a long chat.

Sorry about that.ย Someone is talking aboutย cockroach droppings that canย cause problems. Absolutely.ย That is something we want toย watch for in addition to allย sorts of things schools useย that have the little waxedย candles that melt in differentย things like that to make candleย — Russian smoke good — thatย can make classrooms smell good.ย Another question I wanted toย ask you about and you talkย about the importance of makingย sure to have an air purifierย and you are not just lookingย for the decibel but also thingsย that can make noise as well.ย I was texting my adult son thatย has an apartment and liveย somewhere else and he saysย there is a high-pitched downย that comes from his airย purifier.ย I am a little older andย sometimes we are — when we areย older, we can hear the soundsย but did you notice that isย something at Blueair that youย tried to search for?

Odile:ย Yes and when you say we areย dedicated to finding the bestย air purification solution, theย performance, the cleaningย performance and the speed ofย cleaning is the priority but aย well-rounded and high qualityย product is looking at all theย different factors that canย impact an owner when they buy aย home.ย We work hard to design productsย to reduce the noise level evenย at the highest vent speed.ย I can’t speak to the details ofย the engineering because that isย where our our NT — R&Dย team’s brilliance comes intoย play but we design addingย motors and looking at shieldsย and over a quarter of airย purifiers like to leave theirย air purifiers on the auto mode.ย If it detects the pollutionย level creeping up, it willย adjust the spent — fan speedย but if you don’t design theย sound level to smoothlyย transition, what can happen isย an abrupt change in the noiseย level that can lead toย high-frequency or a pitchingย sound and that is deserving.ย — disturbing.ย You may have clear air you mayย have an intrusion for the noiseย so the degradation —ย the Gratian —ย degration — degration of theย speed — if you look at Bestย Buy, they carry air purifiersย and you can ask questions thereย and see the product in person.

Odile:ย — Andrea:ย the thinking.ย — good thinking.ย Thank you for that suggestion.ย You talked about that be airย purifiers are not deserving —ย disturbing sleep and poorย sleep, especially for schoolย nurses, know-how that canย affect students and dots — weย know-how that can have affectย — effect students and adults.ย Anything more you wanted toย talk about how — about fourย sleep can correlate to problemsย in schools and work and generalย life — how poor sleep canย correlate to problems inย schools and work and generalย life?

Odile:ย Sleep itself as a part ofย quality of life is becomingย more talked about in the publicย mindset and you hear aboutย different sleep aid productsย from everything fromย supplements to wake up lightsย to white noise missing —ย machines.ย People are understanding howย poor sleep can impact life andย the quality of life but one ofย the most immediate things,ย because the majority of peopleย that are suffering from sleepย is stemming from Allergy &ย Asthma conditions.ย Talking more, being mindful andย aware that air quality isย something that you don’t seeย with your eyes is something youย can trigger with poor sleep.ย Hopefully you can take thisย from this webinar.

Andrea:ย I am glad you brought this upย because as a certified asthmaย educator, I used to run aย asthma program.ย I know opening the windows toย my bedroom, the pollen come inย — will come in.ย Being careful about your airย quality and keeping things outย when you can and purifying theย air that is there.ย All of that will causeย disruption in our sleep.ย I feel like I cut you off.ย Was there something you wantedย to say?

Odile:ย No.ย There are affordable airย quality monitoring devices thatย you can find online and itย could be something to add toย your remote — more airย purifiers have a sensor builtย in to the air purifier but whatย the range of pollutants aย sensor can detect may vary.ย Some of the more advanced onesย can detect fine particles toย larger particle sizes likeย pollen.ย You may want to have a separateย air quality monitor at the homeย and download a app — an appย that contract a wide quality —ย variety of indexes in theย external environment and thatย helps you take approaches toย set up air purifiers or closeย up windows.

Andrea:ย That is a great idea and I knowย there are apps and differentย websites where you can checkย the pollen count as well asย those in — as ozone levels.ย Was anything he wanted to addย before we close — you wantedย to add before we close?

Odile:ย No, thank you for yourย questions and I hope you foundย the webinar useful andย hopefully, you will be able toย learn to — learn something newย in — with air purifiers andย air purification and spread theย word.

Andrea:ย Thank you.ย This has been very informative.ย As long as I have been aroundย working with homes and forย those of you who are on theย line, we will have a surveyย that happens afterwards and Iย know people get tired ofย surveys and I look at each andย every comment that you put inย there and that helps me guideย me — what I do with webinars.ย If you have suggestions, putย them there and I do look atย them and Odile, if you move oneย more slide, if it is beingย cranky, and go one more.ย We will be having — there youย go.

We will have a webinar nextย week and this is a major shiftย in climate cycles and how itย can be of benefit to Allergy &ย Asthma suffers in the U.S.ย Feel free to sign up for thatย and we will see you next month.ย Thank you, Odile, forย everything.ย This is Andrea Jensen from theย Allergy & Asthma Network andย join his everyday as we breatheย better together — and join usย every day as we breathe but theย together — as we breatheย better together.ย Thank you, everyone.