Allergy Statistics in the US

The following allergy statistics are for the U.S. population.
Definition of Allergy
An allergy is defined as an abnormal response from the immune system to an exposure to an allergen. Several conditions fall under the umbrella of allergies, including anaphylaxis, allergic rhinitis (commonly known as “hay fever”), food allergies, skin allergies and allergic asthma. 1
Allergies Overall
It is estimated that 50+ million people in the United States have allergies, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Allergies in Children
Food Allergies
- 7.6% of children under 18 years have food allergy. 5
- Similar prevalence between boys (6.4%) and girls (6.5%) 2
- Most common in children of two or more races (12.7%) 2
- The most common food allergies are peanut (2.2%), milk (1.9%), shellfish (1.3%), and tree nut (1.2%) 14
- Of children with food allergies, 39.9% are allergic to multiple foods 5
- 42.3% of children with food allergies have experienced a severe reaction 5
- 39.9% of children with food allergies have experienced multiple severe reactions 5
- 19% of children with food allergies report an emergency department visit due to food allergies in the previous year (42% report at last one previous emergency department visit due to food allergies) 5
- 40.7% of children with food allergies have a current epinephrine auto-injector prescription 5
- Between 2005 and 2014 there was 124% increase in emergency department visits for food related anaphylaxis 14
- One of the top three sources of anaphylaxis worldwide 11
- Children who have food allergies (compared to those without) are two to four times more likely to have other related conditions such as asthma or other allergies 6
- Childhood food allergies alone cost the United States $24.8 billion annually 7
Hay Fever
- 5.2 million children (7.2%) in the previous 12 months 2
- More prevalent in boys (7.9%) than girls (6.4%) 2
Respiratory Allergies
- 9.6% in the previous 12 months 2
- More prevalent in boys (11%) than girls (8.1%) 2
- Most common in children who are black or of two or more races 2
Skin Allergies
- 12.6% in the previous 12 months 2
- More prevalent in girls (12.9%) than boys (12.2%) 2
- Most common in children who are black (18.2%) or two or more races (17.2%) 2
Allergies in Adults
Food Allergies
- At least 26 million (10.8%) adults have food allergies, according to a 2019 joint study funded in part by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease 4
- The most common food allergies are shellfish (2.9%), milk (1.9%), peanut (1.8%), tree nut (1.2%) and fish (0.9%) 4
- 45.3% of those with food allergies are allergic to multiple foods 4
- Among adults with food allergies 51.1% have experiences a severe reaction 4
- One of the top three sources of anaphylaxis worldwide 11
Hay Fever
- 19.2 million adults (7.6%) 3
- More prevalent in women (8.3%) than men (6.4%) 3
- Most common in adults who are of two or more races (10.5%), specifically adults who are black or African American and white (17.2%) 3
Other Allergies
Medication (drug) Allergies
- Medications reactions are the top source of anaphylaxis in adults 15
- Adverse drug reactions may affect as many as 10% of the world population on 20% of hospitalized patients 8
- The most common medications to trigger an adverse reaction are antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) 8
- Antibiotics are the most common trigger for drug-induced anaphylaxis (48.7–57.8% of incidents) 16
Insect Allergies
- Prevalence is 5-7% of the population globally 11
- In the United States, estimates of severe life-threatening systemic reactions from insect stings occur in 0.4-0.8% of children and 3% of adults 12
- One of the top three causes of anaphylaxis worldwide 15
- Sources include bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and fire ants 12
Latex Allergies
- Within the general population latex allergy prevalence is 4.3% 13
- Prevalent in 9.7% of healthcare workers, representing the most occupationally affect group 13
- Other occupational exposure may occur in those working in the rubber industry, research, housekeepers, gardeners, etc. 13
- Of high-risk patients (such as those undergoing surgical procedures), prevalence is 7.2% 13