Managing Allergies in Schools: A Guide for Parents
Allergies are among the most common medical conditions affecting children in the United States. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology:
- 8.4% of U.S. children under age 18 have allergic rhinitis (hay fever);
- 10% have respiratory allergies;
- 5.4% have food allergies; and
- 11.6% have skin allergies (hives or eczema).
With so many children living with one or more allergies, it’s important for families to learn about how to send their child off to school safely with these conditions.

Should I send my kid to school with allergies?
Absolutely! Schools are prepared to manage food allergies, environmental allergies and latex allergy.
When sending your child off to school, though, it’s important to make sure school staff is aware of your child’s allergies. Parents play a key role in working collaboratively with school staff on allergy management. That way, staff will be prepared to manage any symptoms that occur. You will work together to create a plan so your child will be able to fully participate in school and remain safe.
Everyone has their responsibilities – the staff, the parents, even the student.
What types of allergies may need managing at school?
Children spend most of their time during the week at school. That means if they have an allergy that needs managing at home, they likely will also need this allergy managed at school should symptoms occur. Here are common allergies that may need managing at school:

Indoor allergies
- classroom pets (furry animals, birds)
- mold
- dust or dust mites
- chemicals, nickel in jewelry, and other irritants

Latex Allergy
Natural rubber latex can be present in school supplies, rubber bands, mouse pads, goggles, balloons, sports equipment and other materials.
People with latex allergy may also experience an allergic reaction to certain fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, kiwi and avocados. This happens because proteins in natural rubber latex are similar to those found in cross-reactive fruits and vegetables.
Also see products containing latex.

Food allergy
Any type of food allergy needs to be reported to the school so the staff can read labels and make sure children avoid exposure to any food to which they are allergic. The most common allergies are clearly labeled on most foods. If your child has a food allergy outside of the top 9 required on package labels, it is important to let your child’s school know about the allergy so they can prevent accidental exposure.
The nine most common food allergies are:
- cow’s milk
- soy
- egg
- peanut
- tree nuts
- fish
- shellfish
- wheat
- sesame
How to deal with allergies at school
Get started early so you can set your child up for a safe and healthy school year. Education, advance planning and clear, confident communication with school staff about your child’s allergies are the best ways to avoid allergic reactions and ensure your child’s health and safety.

School Allergy Planning Checklist for Parents
Each year there seems to be more and more to remember when your child is in school. We’re here to help — please see below for a checklist that will help you partner in your child’s care at school, from the first day to the last. This checklist can be downloaded as a printable pdf.

Before the school year begins
- Make an appointment to see your child’s allergy specialist.
- Be sure your child’s medication dose is appropriate for their weight. This applies to antihistamines for a mild allergy and epinephrine if needed for anaphylaxis.
- Update medication orders if needed.
- Update or complete an Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan for use at home and at school.
- Have school forms completed – get a statement from the doctor about any foods to which your child is allergic so that it can be filed at school.
- Make an appointment to visit the school to discuss your allergy if needed.
- If your child is starting a new school, it’s a great idea to have a conversation with school staff.
- For managing a food allergy or an allergy with risk for anaphylaxis:
- Be sure your child/teen has full access to their epinephrine.
- Review signs of an allergic reaction with your child so they are sure when they need their emergency medication.
- Review how to administer epinephrine if age appropriate.
- If needed, review your child’s Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan with your child and school staff.
- Be sure your child knows when to get help and who to go to in an emergency.
- If asthma is part of your child’s diagnosis, have the healthcare provider check if asthma is under control. Asthma symptoms can mimic anaphylaxis and also make an allergic reaction more severe.
When school starts
- Deliver your child’s epinephrine medication, permission forms and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan to school either on or before the first day. It’s essential that parents are prepared on or before the first day of school to turn in all signed and updated health forms and a fresh supply of medications. Accidents are never planned. Emergencies can happen even during the early weeks of school.
- Check the expiration date on any epinephrine medication that you are providing. Make sure the fresh supply you pick up at the pharmacy will not expire during the school year. If needed, ask the pharmacist for medication with an expiration date as far in the future as possible.
- Find out what the process is for allowing your child to self-carry medications if that is what you want your child to do. All 50 states have laws that allow students to self-carry epinephrine.
During the school year
- Check in with your child at the end of each school day. Ask how your child feels and if there was any difficulty managing the allergy at school.
- Keep track of the expiration dates of medications and replace them when needed.
- Communicate any changes in medications or treatment plans to the school.
- Report any allergic reactions that happen at home to the school health staff so they can watch for any further issues.
- Encourage your child to fully participate in school programming. If your child ever feels excluded or bullied because of the allergy, notify the school for appropriate action.
At the end of the school year
- Plan to pick up any unused medication on the last day of school.
- Ask for any forms or health care plans that need to be completed for the next school year.
- If you have time, make a connection with school staff about how things went during the school year and discuss plans for the next school year.

Discussion points for parents
The connection between home, your student’s medical home and the school is an important partnership to keep your child healthy and ready to learn. It’s important to approach the school administration, staff and nurse in a collaborative way. Building bridges between home and school will promote a positive school experience every school year.
What to discuss with the school nurse
Plan to meet with the school nurse to get the conversation started. Do this well in advance of the first day of school. By working together, you and the school nurse can partner on creating an allergy-aware environment at school. The school nurse can help you determine what types of written school plans need to be in place and what accommodations are reasonable and necessary for your child. The school nurse can also lead in the development of emergency care plans and educate staff.
- Talk about your child’s allergies.
- Talk about any accommodations that your child may need – in the cafeteria or classroom – and drop off forms, medication and your child’s Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan.
- Consider providing the school with written permission to call your child’s pediatrician with any questions.
- Update the school with any new information or inform them of any anaphylactic reactions that your child experiences outside of school.
What to discuss during an office visit with your child’s allergy and asthma specialist
Make arrangements to see your doctor or allergist during the summer to monitor your child’s food or environmental allergies.
- Update their medication forms and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan. Some schools may refer to this as an Anaphylaxis Action Plan.
- Talk about concerns you may have and include your child in the discussion about allergy management.
What to discuss with the food services department
If your child has food allergies, find out how the school’s nutrition specialist will manage substitution requests. Make sure you turn in the signed special dietary needs request form from your child’s doctor identifying your child’s food allergy. This should include any needed food substitutions (for example, if your child has a milk allergy, you may want the school to substitute juice or water). Your school’s food services director or other school nutrition professionals can assist you as needed.
What to discuss when you meet your child’s teacher
Schedule a meeting with the teacher. It will be important to form a positive, collaborative partnership. Create open lines of communication with teachers and staff.
What do you want school staff to know about how you manage your child’s allergies? What does your child want them to know? Involve your child in building relationships with teachers. Discuss how to share information without publicly singling out your child.
Visit the classroom – is the environment as free of allergens as possible?
- Is there a class pet?
- Is there upholstered furniture, pillows and/or rugs that may hold dust mites?
- Is food available in the classroom? Do children eat snacks or meals in the classroom? Is the environment safe for students with food allergies?
- Is food used for classroom celebrations? How will you learn about upcoming special events, parties, field trips or other events that may involve food?
- Is there any evidence of mold? (More often seen in older buildings.)
- Are the classrooms dusted regularly?
What to discuss with your child
It’s very important to prepare your child with age-appropriate self-management skills.
When plans are in place for your child, it reduces anxiety that can come with a new school year. When you communicate confidence, your child can learn to follow practical management strategies and feel safe at school.
Your child has responsibilities, too. Each child should learn to self-manage, in an age-appropriate way, including:
Environmental Allergies:
- Avoid pets and wash hands after touching animals.
- Know triggers and work with school staff to avoid them.
- Tell a grown up if you’re experiencing allergy symptoms.
Food Allergies:
- Wash hands before and after eating.
- No sharing of food.
- Refuse food offered if you’re not sure it’s safe.
- Be responsible if you’re self-carrying medications.
- Know who to talk to if bullying is happening.
- Tell a grown up if you’re experiencing an allergic reaction.
Questions & Answers on allergy policies in schools (Q&A)
Usually, a school district will have a written policy on allergy management at school. Parents can ask to review the policy. Some districts also have written protocols on dealing with an allergic reaction or allergy emergencies at school.
Questions & Answers on food allergy in school (Q&A)
If a student comes to school with a food allergy, the school can make accommodations to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.
Most school staff have a lot of experience in managing food allergies in schools, but as a parent, it’s important for you to share your child’s unique experience with allergies with the school staff.
In most schools, the school nurse will be your point of contact and the person designated to direct care. Be sure you know who is responsible at your child’s school for managing food allergies. Many schools do not have a full-time school nurse. Learn who will respond to food allergy emergencies and collaborate with that staff person.
Questions & Answers on latex allergy in school (Q&A)
If a student comes to school with a latex allergy, the school can make accommodations to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. Latex allergy is an allergic reaction to the proteins found in the milky sap of the Hevea brasiliensis rubber tree. Latex allergy is also known as a natural rubber latex allergy.
Questions & Answers on environmental allergies at schools (Q&A)
Environmental allergies can be mild and annoying or serious and debilitating. Either way, they impact your child’s everyday life. And they may need to be managed at school.
Other Questions & Answers on allergies in schools (Q&A)
Allergies at school bring up many questions. While we’ve already looked at many in the sections above, we answer a few more here. With allergies, always think about keeping the child away from the allergen or keeping the allergen away from the child.
School Health Resources

Reviewed by:
Don Bukstein, MD, FACAAI, is a board-certified allergist and immunologist and pediatric pulmonologist. He serves as Medical Director for Allergy & Asthma Network. Dr. Bukstein also volunteers at a Medicaid clinic in inner city Milwaukee. He is the former Director of Allergy and Asthma Research at Dean Medical Center in Madison, Wisconsin.