USAsthma Summit

November 7, 2025
Orlando, Florida
Allergy & Asthma Network and the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology host the annual USAsthma Summit. The Summit is an engaging, interactive one-day event. It is FREE to attend. The Summit is available as an in-person event and via livestream.
The purpose of the Summit is to address the state of asthma and asthma care in the United States. Presenters and attendees share lessons learned and best practices from national, state and community asthma programs. They discuss ways to advocate for patients and advance Guidelines-based asthma care.
Who is invited to attend?
- asthma coalitions
- state asthma programs
- doctors (allergists, pulmonologists, pediatricians, primary care, etc.
- nurses (including school nurses)
- community health workers
- people with asthma and caregivers
- key stakeholders and anyone interested in learning about asthma
2024 Sponsors:

Highlights from the Oct. 25, 2024 USAsthma Summit in Boston:
- Approximately 85 people attended the Summit in person.
- Nearly 400 participated online via our interactive livestream.
- Key topics included:
- Clinical remission of asthma and what it means for patients
- How climate change is impacting asthma and allergic diseases
- Obesity-related asthma in children and adolescents
- Racial and ethnic asthma disparities in maternal health
- Debunking asthma myths and misinformation
- Spirometry and race-neutral parameters in asthma care
- How parents and caregivers perceive oral corticosteroid use and biologics for asthma