Is It Fall Allergies or COVID-19? How to Tell the Difference

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Published: September 8, 2022

Revised: October 22nd, 2024


A woman stands in a park filled with autumn leaves, blowing her nose into a tissue. She is wearing a beige coat and is surrounded by trees with orange and yellow foliage. A river is visible in the background.

Your eyes itch and water and your throat feels scratchy. Your nose is runny, your head feels completely stuffed up, and your face hurts from the pressure. And you want to carry a box of tissues everywhere you go.

If these symptoms appear in late summer or fall, you may be struggling with fall allergies.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, though, how will you know if you are dealing with fall allergy symptoms or coronavirus symptoms? Some of the symptoms are common to both fall allergies and COVID-19.  It will be helpful for you to navigate this unusual fall allergy season by understanding and managing your seasonal allergies to fall pollens, such as ragweed, mold or other allergens.

How do fall allergy symptoms compare to the symptoms of COVID-19?

Some COVID-19 and fall allergy symptoms may overlap, such as cough, runny or stuffy nose and shortness of breath. But both conditions have a couple distinct features.

  • One symptom of many cases of COVID-19 is a fever of 100.4 or higher. Fever is not a symptom of allergies.
  • Sore throat is another common COVID-19 symptom, but it is not as common for people with allergies.
  • Digestive issues, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, may occur with COVID-19. There are usually no digestive issues with allergies.

Another main difference between COVID-19 and allergies is spread. COVID-19 can spread from person to person, while allergies are not contagious.

The charts on this page can help you determine if your symptoms are more like allergies or more like COVID-19. If you are unsure whether your symptoms are fall allergies or COVID-19, take a COVID test or schedule an appointment with your doctor. At-home COVID tests are available at most pharmacies.

Infographic on Covid-19 vs Allergies vs Flu

Will fall allergies increase my risk of catching COVID-19 or having more severe symptoms if I do contract COVID-19?

A recent National Institutes of Health study found that people with seasonal allergies and allergic rhinitis do not have a higher or lower risk of catching COVID-19. (The same study did find that people with food allergies have a 50% lower risk of infection. The reasons for this are inconclusive, however.) In addition, there is no increased or reduced risk of getting severe COVID-19 symptoms if you have seasonal allergies.

People with moderate to severe asthma, COPD or a compromised immune system may be at higher risk for severe COVID-19.

Will wearing a face mask help control my allergies in addition to protecting me from COVID-19?

Wearing a face mask that covers your mouth and nose protects against COVID-19 transmission from person to person. A face mask may also provide some protection against allergies. Masks can keep large allergen particles from being inhaled, according to CDC. Smaller allergen particles may still get through, however.

It’s important to wash the masks after each use to remove pollen particles that may collect on the mask. Or use a disposable mask each time you leave your home.

How can I minimize the impact of fall allergies this year?

This year especially, keep your seasonal allergies in check to reduce any confusion so you can tell the difference between COVID-19 and allergy symptoms. Here are some ways you can reduce your symptoms for indoor and outdoor allergens this fall:


How to reduce symptoms from fall outdoor allergens

  • Pre-medicate with an antihistamine and/or corticosteroid nasal spray 2 hours prior to allergen exposure. For eye allergies, use eye drops as needed.
  • Avoid pollens. In late summer and early fall, levels are highest in the morning. Pollen can also surge on windy, warm days and after a thunderstorm or rainfall. Limit time outside when pollen counts are high – usually in the mornings through early afternoons.
  • Avoid fallen leaves. Kids might love to leap into piles of leaves in the backyard, but even just a playful kick can release millions of mold spores into the air – and into your airways. If fall allergens leave your lungs wheezy and your eyes drippy, hire someone to clean leaves from your lawn, gutter or garden. Or ask a friend to rake your leaves in return for a free hour of babysitting or other task.
  • Change clothes when coming inside.
  • Wear a mask when raking leaves and doing outdoor activities.
  • Monitor pollen and mold counts. Airborne pollens can travel for several miles.
  • Keep windows and doors shut at your home; close windows of your car while driving.
  • Take a shower, wash your hair and change your clothes after time outside.
  • Dry laundry indoors rather than on a clothesline outdoors.

How to reduce symptoms from fall indoor allergens

  • Before you turn on the heat, change the filter. Then, contact a licensed professional for a tune-up – after all, your heating system is the lungs of your home, so make sure it’s breathing properly. Replace air filters in your home monthly.
  • Give high-humidity areas of your home a fall cleaning. These include the bathroom, laundry room and kitchen. Remove shower heads and soak them in a homemade vinegar solution to get rid of hidden mold, and repair any leaky faucets and pipes. If you need to repaint or wallpaper, make sure all walls are clean and free of any mold. Use a wall product that has been treated to reduce mold.
  • Make your home a smoke-free environment. As the weather grows colder, smokers may be tempted to smoke indoors. Don’t let them.
  • Give your fireplace a facelift. If you or someone in your family has asthma, lighting a strong-smelling wood fire in your fireplace or using scented candles could set off symptoms. Instead, use electric candles to create a seasonal glow. Also, remember that fireplaces need cleaning. If you have burned wood a lot, get a professional to thoroughly clean the fireplace, flue and chimney. Gas fireplaces must be cleaned as well. Use a homemade vinegar solution to clean glass doors and vacuum any debris.
  • Show sheet savvy. When you’re swapping summer linens for winter ones, tuck them in zippered, plastic bags so that they’ll be fresh and clean for next year. Replace non-washable, heavy blankets – which are perfect places for dust mites – with several layers of breathable, machine-washable fabrics. And be sure to cover your pillows and mattresses with dust mite-proof covers.
  • Run an exhaust fan or crack a window for ventilation during and after showers. If you don’t already have one, buy an inexpensive, mildew-free shower curtain.
  • De-clutter your home. Keep dust and dust mites from accumulating by vacuuming upholstered furniture, carpets and crowded closets weekly. Remove any piles of newspapers, magazines, and other piles of papers. Hire a professional cleaning service if needed.

For 80% of people, COVID-19 symptoms are mild, and feel like the flu. So what’s the difference?

It’s important to know how you can tell the difference between COVID-19 symptoms, the flu and seasonal allergies and what can put you at risk for COVID-19. Use this table as a guide.



Fever (100.4° F or higher)
Sore throat
Fatigue (tiredness)
Muscle or body aches (or chills)
Runny or stuffy nose
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Nausea or vomiting
Loss of taste & smell



Sore throat
Fatigue (tiredness)
Muscle or body aches (or chills)
Runny nose or stuffy nose
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing



Not spread person-to-person
Itchy nose, sneezing
Itchy, watery eyes, redness
Itchy, sensitive skin, rash or hives- swelling
Wheeze, chest tightness
Runny or stuffy nose
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing



Get the COVID-19 vaccine and boosters (if eligible)
Wear a mask over your nose & mouth
Wash your hands frequently
Watch your distance: avoid close contact with others – keep six feet apart and avoid crowds
Avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth
Avoid exposure whenever possible
Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, if needed



Wash your hands frequently
Watch your distance: avoid close contact with others – keep six feet apart and avoid crowds
Avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth
Avoid exposure whenever possible
Get the flu vaccine



Avoid your allergy triggers
If you’re not sure what your triggers are, ask your doctor about allergy testing
Medicate for allergies before pollen season or potential exposure



Stay home and rest, except to get medical care
Call your doctor if you think you were exposed
Call ahead before going to the doctor
Talk with your doctor about COVID-19 antiviral pills or monoclonal antibody treatments, especially if you are at high risk for severe symptoms
Stay away from others



Stay home and rest, except to get medical care
Contact your doctor early if you’re at high risk
Antiviral drugs may be an option for people at high risk for complications and people with lung conditions
Most people don’t need to go to the emergency room



Take prescribed or over-the-counter allergy medications
Nasal sprays
Allergy shots
Allergy tablets
Nasal wash/rinse